On the most important day, everything must be exactly as you dreamed of. Perfect, but only because it is deeply yours. A handcrafted shoe for your wedding can complete the dress of your dreams, accompanying you with confidence towards your yes, towards the person you have chosen as your lifelong companion.

Check out the Bridal Shoes we've already created together with our customers!
1. Choose the model you prefer
On this page you can find all the available bridal models. Make yourself comfortable, peek through the photos, imagine them at your feet under the dress you have carefully chosen. Pay attention to every detail: height and shape of the heel, strap, upper, style and shapes.
You can also try on the model you prefer comfortably at home, by paying a deposit of €175, we will send you a test sample of the shoe you requested.

1. Choose the model you prefer
On this page you can find all the available bridal models. Make yourself comfortable, peek through the photos, imagine them at your feet under the dress you have carefully chosen. Pay attention to every detail: height and shape of the heel, strap, upper, style and shapes.
You can also try on the model you prefer comfortably at home, by paying a deposit of €175, we will send you a test sample of the shoe you requested.

2. Get a virtual appointment with Alice
Book below a "virtual" video call appointment with Alice who will answer all your questions and help you in choosing the model and leather to create the shoe for your Special Day.

2. Get a virtual appointment with Alice
Book below a "virtual" video call appointment with Alice who will answer all your questions and help you in choosing the model and leather to create the shoe for your Special Day.